Thursday 2 February 2012

Captain Draude
HMS Princess Margaret

Please, I should not die. I have so long to live yet, with all the years ahead of me, who knows what I'll accomplish, how many more ice cream eating contests I could win, how many more homeless I could assist, the rugby and football games I could still play. If you were to kill me now I would never achieve my dream of playing rugby for team Canada in the world cup and helping in defeating New Zealand at last. Not to mention my girlfriend from Pen Hi would be heart broken that I died at the bottom of the ocean, who will text her now? Of course there will need to be deaths of that, there is no doubt, but whatever happened to the saying "a captain should go down with her ship" you have lived, married and taught. What more is left for you in this world? I can still achieve great things, after I am finished with my schooling and I have my engineering degree I will create things to benefit the human race, I will make a difference. Would you like to continue your life as the one who stopped the person who will better the world for future generations? I don’t think anyone would. so why not let me live, I have the potential to do great things and the world has always stifled the great, be different, help the world change for the better. This is a big world, there is still so much to see, so many places to travel and people to meet, kill me now and I'll never experience these wonders. Speaking of wonder's, you look magnificent today, is it a new hair cut, it's lovely! By the way, wouldn't it be easier to kill someone smaller, someone who will put up less of a fight, like Isabelle, it would be easier to dispatch of her rather than having to fight me, and believe me, I'll fight. That shouldn’t be a problem though because i know you'll make the right choice. Thank you for your time.

Brandon Woods,
Your best friend,
123 Green ave.

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