Thursday 18 April 2013

I would definitely read another book in this series with these characters. The characters are so well developed and it feels like every page lets them grow and evolve even more. I really enjoy R.A. Salvatore’s work, his stories and continuation of this plot is amazing, using details from as far back as the first in the series to support current events and themes in his newer books. Throughout the series one character has been a constant force of good, in a world of corrupt people and evil beings, he is mistreated and tempted with evil his entire young life and he still becomes one of the best symbols of what is good in the world and that no matter what anyone tries to force on us we choose our own path. I would invite the main character home for dinner because he is an excellent role model and the parents would be impressed that I was hanging out with such a perfect example of pure good.  

Monday 11 February 2013

If I had my choice of any superpower I would choose to have the ability to control and manipulate water, the base for all life in the palm of my hand.  I could extinguish the worst fires in a matter of seconds, create the perfect winter wonderland, or turn an average water park into a legendary experience for the whole family. Ridding the world of pests, mosquitoes, weeds, and disease carrying rodents would become little more than a Sunday chore. No opponent would ever stand against me because I could pull every drop of water from their body and then use it to wash the resulting sand into the storm drain. The power to enhance life, or ruin it. But perhaps I shouldn't have a super power for that reason. Judgement can be clouded and fogged, mistakes are a vicious predator waiting to strike. With a power like life itself under my control, who would be there to keep me in check? To make sure I would use the power for good and not become an unstoppable monster of evil. After this realization I have decided I would take no power, let someone else make the mistake of accepting more responsibility than they can handle. We're only human for a reason.